Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Inquilab, revisited!

Hi! Today happens to be the day when Bhagat Singh, a 23 year old patriot happily gave up his life along with Sukhdev and Rajguru for a vision, a dream of a country. It seems like the perfect day to initiate this. For a long time now (in fact for as far back as I can remember), there’s been this itch, to do something for the country. And for those who know me, it’s nothing new. But, before you ignore this as just another ‘frustration venting document’, I assure you it’s not that. So spare a few moments and read on. This is not about me. This is about doing something real; something valuable.

We’re the youth of the nation. The next generation, and if there is one thing that we are ALL good at, that connects us all, IT IS TECHNOLOGY. In today’s time for most of us, our mobile phones are all we need. Then stuff like distance, time all which were barriers for generations above us vanish and become insignificant. I say, let’s put this to use, to good use.

Let us get together and do some real good for the country, for the people of the country. With our tech savviness that really shouldn’t be a difficult thing to do. We have so many things going for us and so less going against that this should really be a piece of cake, all we have to do is have the will.

I am not saying we will just make a group on facebook that people will forget about in a couple of days or if we’re lucky, we’ll last a couple of months. NO. I have a much bigger vision for this ‘project’. Of course but, I will need all the support I can get and then this will not remain my project, but ‘our’ project.

Let me share a glimpse of this vision with you. We connect through the omnipresent internet, and we help out/participate in various events that could be happening around the country. If there are floods somewhere we help in relief, if there is an issue that we think needs support, we join in. I’m not saying we only join in. We can start our own movement too. Like for instance the various scams. Why is everybody just casually reading it in the papers and why doesn’t anyone have the urge to do something? This will become a place for such likeminded people to get together, and raise a unified voice. It could include a simple act of filing so many RTIs that the government is forced to come out with the information. Or it could be taking out a march (definitely not supported by any political party) to demand action against the culprits or any other radical act to achieve the elusive goal of justice.

I genuinely believe basic education can solve almost all the problems our country faces. We can put together a group that merely helps in educating the needy children. There are a million ways how this can be achieved, but at least let us first agree that we all want to achieve this.

In my vision, I see young professionals like lawyers, journalists, engineers, doctors, managers, and anyone becoming a part of this and offering their expertise in solving the situation. For instance, most people are unaware how an RTI is filed, or whether it still can be filed. The lawyers can help us out with that. If there is any natural calamity, the managers, the doctors can do their bit. The journalists can help in spreading the word. Everyone can help, everyone can do their bit.

One thing is for sure, for this to have any sort of effect, it cannot merely remain an online/virtual society. We will have to get real. The point is to find likeminded people in every corner of the country through the internet and get together as one voice, not just a voice you read online, but a voice you hear out on the streets. Only when we take physical form will the rest of the country take us for real. We can probably think of region wise centres/outfits for this. I want you to understand that we have to dream big. We have to believe that we can make a change, and work our hearts out towards that.

This is my brief vision for this ‘project’. Of course, there is room for improvement. Of course, any point anyone has should be brought up, except cynicism and negativity. If you are going to hide behind those shallow tools, please stay away from us. I already refer to us as us, because I genuinely believe there are many more like me, who want to do something for the country and who are tired of the cynicism floating around.

Let me tell you one thing, JUST VOTING IS NOT ENOUGH. If you want to see a real change, you will have to get your hands dirty. There is no two ways to that. The real question is, are you willing to do that for the country you call home?

No, I do not say that this will not take your time so please join. This will take your time and energy. So please don’t join because of some misplaced sense of morality you might have. Only if you are willing to really work towards this cause, then sign up. I guess it is better to fail right at the onset than to believe you have succeeded only to realise when push comes to shove, everyone’s hiding in their holes.

For starters, we need to gather enough virtual momentum to take things to the real world. I request all of you to use your excellent networking skills to pass this on to as many as you can. I am not promising that this project will succeed. Hell, it might crash and burn right at the onset. But I believe in this and I will give it my best. Probably again and again. If you believe we can make a difference, then please fill in the form and pass on the link/message to everyone you can think of. Even if you are not joining, at least pass this on to the people you know. Any suggestions/feedback are welcome.

Form link:

For any queries please contact

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